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Channel 5:More scandal as Barrow reveals secret $20 million from Taiwan

As one of the country’s finest lawyers, Prime Minister Dean Barrow is no stranger to the art of courtroom theatrics. But with the kind of case he’s got against his defeated and demoralised political opponents, he did not need the skills of a Johnny Cochran. Today Barrow twisted the knife a little deeper in his predecessor by exposing another undisclosed diversion of public funds and offered evidence that the true nature of the Venezuelan deal was known to others beside Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca. News Five’s Janelle Chanona reports.

身為國內最優秀的律師之一,總理狄恩巴洛對於法庭上各種戲劇性的橋段,可不是個生手。但是面對那在大選中慘遭挫敗的政治對手的案件時,他可不需要著名律師Johnnie Cochran(*註)的技巧。今天巴洛藉由揭發另一件未公開的挪用公款案件,並針對只有薩伊德‧慕沙和雷夫‧馮世賈才知道真相的委內瑞拉捐款案提供證據,把刺向前任總理的刀,又更深地刺了進去。

(*註)Johnnie Cochran是著名的非裔美籍黑人律師,他曾因擔任O. J. Simpson一案的辯護律師大出風頭,另一個知名的委託人則是歌手麥可傑克森。他因在法庭的答辯技巧特別而聞名,並且也是早期為警察濫權的受害者擔任辯護律師者之一。

Prime Minister Dean Barrow總理狄恩巴洛:
“I certainly never imagined that on this scale, this sort of thing was being done.”


Janelle Chanona, Reporting記者真耐力‧加農娜報導:
As the investigations into diversion of government funds to settle the debts of Universal Health Services continues, this afternoon Prime Minister Dean Barrow had a field day disclosing the lurid details of the financial transactions the Musa administration used to make good on its guarantee with the Belize Bank.


Prime Minister Dean Barrow總理狄恩巴洛:
“The previous administration paid over not ten million U.S. to the Belize Bank with respect to the U.H.S. debt, but twenty million U.S. In addition to the ten million dollars from Venezuela that we knew about, the inquiry has discovered and disclosed that there was another ten million U.S. dollars gifted to the people and Government of Belize by the Republic of China on Taiwan.”


While Barrow explained that Taiwan had earmarked the funds for improvement of Belize’s health care, the use of the secret Venezuela gift to pay the Belize Bank ran counter to the agreement signed between the two nations.


Documents obtained in Venezuela by the Government’s delegation confirm that as per the wiring instructions of former Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amalia Mai, the Venezuelan grant was divided into two payments, a well publicised ten million U.S. dollars to the Central Bank’s accounts in New York plus an undisclosed ten million U.S. to a Belize Bank account in London.


(*註)貝里斯中央銀行Central Bank of Belize是政府的銀行,而貝里斯銀行Belize Bank則為本地第一大的民營銀行。

Prime Minister Dean Barrow總理狄恩巴洛:
“The officials of the Government of Venezuela have said to them directly that contrary to what the ex-Prime Minister and the ex-Minister of Housing have said, there was never any understanding or side arrangement that this money was to be used for any purpose other than what was reflected in the formal agreement, what was reflected in the wiring instructions, what was reflected in the letter that the Venezuelans sent to Amalia Mai confirming that the monies had been dispatched in accordance with her instructions. They always knew that the purpose for which the money was being gifted or the purposes were the ones I have described: one million for Marion Jones, nine million for home improvement and ten million for new home construction.”


The Government has appointed a legal team, comprised of Solicitor General Tanya Longsworth, Gian Ghandi and a private attorney yet to be appointed to investigate the legal liability of Said Musa, Ralph Fonseca and Amalia Mai.

政府已經組成一個法律小組,其中包含首席檢察官Tanya Longsworth、Gian Ghandi和指定律師,一同調查薩伊德‧慕沙、雷夫‧馮世賈和阿瑪麗亞‧馬伊應該負起的法律責任。

﹝後略 恕刪﹞

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